Friday, April 26, 2013

NO BAKE/ Low Fat Dates Panna Cotta

            "In cooking, as in all the arts, simplicity is the sign of perfection." Curnonsky

Some days are slower and simpler than others.  This was one of those days with a simple goal in mind.
Don't we all love a quick sweet treat..(most of em' at least) and if it's healthy for us..why not right? So when I had a chance to write up an article for about a no bake healthy dessert, it created a challenge.  So worked up my brain, Googled for ideas and created this one.                                      
The use of Dates is very common in the East.  They are one of the ancient fruits known.  These fruits are tiny pills of health. Along with an ability to cure your sweet tooth, they are nutrition packed powerhouse. Although a fan of all things chocolate, these sweet treat cups were a hit with my dessert lover kid and the hubby who loves to try everything.  But, unfortunately couldn't say the same thing about MOI.....I needed a hint of coffee or chocolate, so of course i added a bit of chocolate to my pot;)  So you can adjust the flavors to your taste and ENJOY it..


1/2 cup medjool dates
1 cup Milk( vitamin D or 2%)
1 packet gelatin
2 tbsp cold milk
pinch of cardamom
chopped pistachios(garnishing)

1. Grind Dates with Milk to a smooth puree and pass it through a
 seive to remove any lumps
2. Add gelatin to cold milk and let it flower up.  
3. Bring Date/milk mixture to a light simmer.  
4. Once you see bubbles on the side, take 1/4 cup and milk in with
 the gelatin mix.
5.  Add the Gelatin mixture to the pot of dates and switch off the flame.  
6.  Cool it and pour in serving bowls and set overnight or 4-5 hours.
7.  Serve chilled with pistachios


  1. This is a really tasty dessert. Since you don't have to bake it, it's not too hard to make. Try it!!


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