Sunday, April 21, 2013


            My life during weekends is a never ending marathon with constant pauses to think whether I forgot an event or did I forget a birthday the kid had to attend.  So this was one of those calm couple of days, where I didn't step out to greet the beautiful weather California is witnessing.  But, that didn't stop the kids from their routine with their dad who happily chauffered them around.

Between the laundering, cooking, reading...... my sweet tooth required immediate attention.  Didn't wanna eat the remains of the cake, nor  the ice cream which was screaming at me...So, the health nut side of me decided to make GRANOLA.   I had Greek Yogurt(one of my new faves), so let's toss in Granola and have that for dessert tonight. Sounds, good right..

But a note quickly on yogurt.  Growing up I  had yogurt as a side dish, raita, or  drink at the most.  So the whole idea of sweetened yogurt was new to me until some years ago, when i ate one of the most yum dessert/ side dish my friend made called Shrikhand(thick drained yogurt with sugar, and some other spices).  I've slowly but surely started to like the sweetened yogurt along with it's amazing health benefits, but i need to spruce it up a bit;)).

I make this granola quite often, thinking it would last a while, but what do I know, we love munching.  My friends have loved it and when I tell them how easy it is, they just smile.  This surely can be Breakfast, Snack and Dessert too. It's light, filled with antioxidants, easy to make and you know what goes into it. That way you can eat more than a cup guilty free.

HEALTHY GRANOLA WITH ALL TRIMMINGS                                  Bake at 325° 


3 cups Old Fashioned Oats
1/2 cup grade B pure maple syrup
1/4 cup wheat germ
3 tbsp chia seeds
3 tbsp flax seeds
1/2 cup Nuts( I used almonds, you could use any nut you prefer or could omit it)
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp oil
1 cup raisins
1/2 cup chopped figs

1. In a large mixing bowl, add Oats, wheat germ, chia seeds, flax seeds, nuts, salt and toss.
2. Mix oil and Maple syrup.  Add it to the oats mixture and toss very well.
3. Pour all of this in a parchment line tray and put in a 325degree oven.  After about 10 minutes, mix it around so that it doesn't brown too fast or darken in spots.  Keep mixing at intervals until you get a beautiful golden color.  Remove and let cool.
4.  Once cooled add the raisins,chopped figs and mix well.
Note: It will be little soft at first, but as it cools, it hardens and tastes just yum.  Store in a airtight container.

1 comment:

  1. This granola's really good for absolutely anything. Eat it instead of cereal, use it to make granola bars for snack, add some Greek yogurt to make it dessert. Plus, it's not very fatty and is much crunchier than the granola you can buy at stores. Trust me, it's even better than it looks.


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