Saturday, November 15, 2014


It was Friday night, and the kids didn't care what they ate.  All they wanted was to take a break, relax, and do nothing.  After a few days of binge eating and carb overload, we all had to eat a bit cleaner for a few days.  The good thing is, the kids love to eat healthy food, but only when it tastes good. When they help make it, it's even better! ;).  

I called them to come up with their own ingredients for a soup(little did they know I had it all planned).  The little one chose the vegetables, the teen chose beans, and we had a winning combo. I asked them to chop, clean, and organize. I had the base ready, and they put things together; it's that simple. They enjoyed it and were thrilled that they came up with it :).

Zesty Autumn Soup 1
Zesty Autumn Soup 2 Zesty Autumn Soup 2.1

This recipe was inspired by someone I saw on YouTube(don't remember whom) who was mentioning this grilled vegetable bean soup, and it stuck.  I'm glad it did, and it's a winning recipe in my book.  

And the boys said, "Mom, you have to blog about it!". "Yes I will," I said.  



Vegetables for baking:

1 large yam- cut to 1/3 of an inch
1 large sweet potato sliced a bit thicker
3 carrots (cut lengthwise)
1 red bell pepper  (cut lengthwise)
1/2 onion (cut lengthwise)
5 garlic sliced   
1 tsp provencial spices
1/2 tsp salt
1tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp fresh black pepper
For the soup base:
1 tbsp olive oil
2 cups celery
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp provencial spice
3 tbsp sriracha(or accordingly)
1 can roasted tomato
1 can diced tomato with basil and oregano
1 cup cooked butter beans
1 cup cooked garbanzo beans
1 cup cooked red kidney beans 
1 cube vegetable bouillon mixed with water
4 cups of water
For Garnish:
finely diced onions
grated parmesan
roasted pepita seeds(optional


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Toss all the vegetables with the spices and oil, spread it on a baking sheet, bake for 20 minutes.  For the couple few minutes increase the oven to 450 to char the vegetables.
3. In a large soup pot, add oil, some cumin seeds and the chopped celery.  Fry for a minute and add the tomatoes to it.  Let it cook for 5 minutes and then add all the beans.  Let it simmer out for 20 minutes.
4.  Add the vegetables to the pot and simmer for 5 minutes and take it off the stove.  Serve hot or at room temperature with any garnish of your choice.

If you want it thicker or thinner, use water accordingly.

Zesty Autumn Soup 3

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  1. This sounds delicious!! Love the idea of pre roasting vegetables. Nice to see your writing again

  2. Love how you got your boys involved in making this hearty bowl of soup, Ash. I simply love the coloring and roasting the vegetables must have made this so much for flavorful!!!

  3. The soup looks hearty, healthy and delicious!

  4. This vegetarian stew looks ultra comforting and delicious, Ash! Ideal for these low temps.

  5. I love this stew look amazing:))
    Nice to see you!

  6. This is perfect for our 14F temps here in Colorado, though today we went up to 28F. Woohoo!
    Soup looks amazing, vibrant and chock full of healthy vegetables.
    Good to see you back again!


  7. very smart way to fool ur kids to choose thier own way ;)
    Looks so inviting:) Perfect for these winters :)

  8. So good to see you back in action Asha! You were missed :)
    The soup looks robust and bang on flavors.

  9. Roasted vegetables in any form is a winner in my house. I bet the roasted vegetables uplifted this soup to another level.

  10. This soup is what I need right now, with all the crazy weather we are having lately.

    Glad to have you back, Asha :)

  11. Super Like for the bowl in First Pic, Fell in Love with this Soup!

  12. Holly molly this truly looks like the mother load of soups. So hearty looking. I wish I could have a huge batch of this in my freezer to have for the upcoming days. I love soup and this one looks sensational!

  13. Lovely pictures with a healthy soup

  14. What a gorgeous combination. I love the idea of Sriracha in the base too! Yum!


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