Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Figs and Hazelnut Cookies 1

All last weekend I craved for cookies, not any cookie but a cookie which was different.  As far as my cookie craving went, it had to have figs(I had em' sitting in my pantry for days staring at me), had to have hazelnut spread and should be great to pack as a gift.

I've wanted to make these for months now. The time was right, I had a few hours to myself, the first box of cookies that I made to give friends are here.

So it's almost the end of a beautiful evening, sat down to watch the new episode of 'ALMOST HUMAN'. I grabbed this cookie, put some hazelnut spread, along with a steaming cup of coffee watched a few episodes before I decided to pack them up for few friends before it was all gone.

Figs and Hazelnut Cookies Figs and Hazelnut Cookies 2

Two things about this cookie, it's gluten free and it's tasty. If you are the kind who wants something a bit different to try, this might be the one.  It's a bit on the harder /crispier side, makes for some great base for custard and fruits.

IMG_9345Makes around 3 dozen
Bake at 315 degrees for 10-12 minutes

1/2 cup Hazelnut Meal
1/2 cup Oatmeal powder
1/4 cup chia seeds
1 cup confectioners sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 stick butter
3 tbsp cup hazelnut spread
1/2 cup pureed figs
1/2 tsp orange zest
2 tbsp hazelnut syrup(optional)or 1 tbsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp salt


1. Mix the Hazelnut meal, powdered oatmeal, chia seeds, confectioners sugar, baking soda and salt and keep aside.
1. Beat the butter till it's fluffy, add the hazelnut syrup and whip.
2. Add the pureed figs, orange zest and hazelnut spread and mix well. Add all the other ingredients and mix to form a ball.
3. Wrap the dough in a plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour.
4. Portion out the dough into 4 and roll it out to 1/4 inch(thin) and cut out into desired shapes. Refrigerate until the dough hardens again and bake for 10-12 minutes at 315 degrees.
Store in airtight containers. You can dust them with some powdered sugar when serving.

These make great sandwich cookies.
FOR PUREED FIGS: Soak dried figs in hot water for 1 hour and use a food processor to get it pureed.  
They are hard cookies, so make sure not to over bake it. 
They make great tart base, top with some custard and fruit and you have a simple dessert.

Figs Hazelnut Cookies

Copyright 2013 - Food Fashion Party


  1. That's a really nice cookie recipe ..

  2. Just beautiful, Ash! Love that your special figgy cookies are gluten free. Isn't it funny how cravings hit? So glad you had a craving for this one and developed an original to share. Thanks ever so much! P.S. Sending you an email. :)

  3. It was nice of you to save some for your friend, but in all honesty you should have eaten them all by yourself.
    They look so spectacularly good!

  4. dear ! what beautiful are always
    yours posts!!!
    just beautiful!!

  5. These are beyond beyond and delicious, Ash!!!

  6. Spectacular cookies! Never seen anything like this. Beautiful.

  7. Loving how each cookie looks like a beautiful snowflake!

  8. You sold me at hazelnut! I also would not of shared with my friend ;) The more for me the better. :)

  9. What beautiful cookies and such a creative, unusual recipe at that!

  10. How pretty and different are those cookies! Love it!

  11. Those are some impressive cookies! Gorgeous pictures as always!

  12. These cookies are just beautiful, and boy, do I love figs and hazelnut spread! It's like they were made for me. :)

  13. oh those look absolutely beautiful Asha. I've been wanting to bake cookies too and I finally did this past week. Dec is all about cookies and cakes anyway. :-)

  14. Absolutely gorgeous cookies, Ash! I love everything about them! Figs, hazelnut... yum! Great post and beautiful photos!

  15. These are so beautiful with the dusted confectioner's sugar on top! I love almost human too!

  16. These are gorgeous!! I love that they have both dried figs and hazelnuts...two of my favorite things!

  17. Wow - Ash - these are incredibly gorgeous! Your friends are lucky to have you as a friend - these cookies are beautiful and healthy too! I need to get my hands on some hazelnut meal pronto!

  18. These Christmassy cookies are so gorgeous, Asha! I need that cookie cutter!

  19. Good looking gluten free cookie recipe and adore that cookie cutter! Beautifully styled images. :)

  20. Gorgeous photos and cookies! I love their flower shapes and what great flavours, figs and hazelnuts, yummy! Are you enjoying Almost Human? I love Karl Urban, ever since Lord of the Rings, I've been a fan of him. Love his new show.

  21. These cookies are truly beautiful. They suit the season perfectly but they transcend it at the same time. GREG

  22. Wowww... These look so pretty and perfect.. first time here.. happy to follow you.. thanks for the wonderful recipe :)

  23. They are so beautiful Ash and I can only imagine how perfect they taste.

  24. Woah Asha these GF cookies look super awesome. Incredible. Beautiful photography too.

  25. Wow, these look terrific! Love the great flavors you've packed into these cookies. And although we don't have a problem with gluten, we know people who do, so it's nice to have a cookie like this. Good stuff - thanks.

  26. My gluten-free son would love these cookies! :-) Your recipes always look like a labor of love.

  27. Oh my, but these cookies sound wonderful - and I LOVE the cutter you used - they remind me of whole star anise! Lovely work!

  28. Thank you all for your sweet words of encouragement always.
    @Adri- you are right, they do look like star anise..never looked at it that way.

  29. What pretty cookies! Very dainty and surely delicious.



  30. I absolutely love how delicate these are!! The shape is perfect and I want to buy one of these cutters now. I have small ones but not a big one.

  31. Even better than figgy pudding! I love your cookies.

  32. These are so so pretty! The last time I tried to make such delicate cookies, they came out as giant blobs but yours look perfect!

  33. God Asha !! I soo love the way you present your foods ...such class all around !!! Great great great !!!!

  34. So beautiful, I want that cookie butter so badly! The recipe looks vegan-friendly ;) yum!!!

  35. Your cookies are beautiful! I love their shape...and could see them hung from my Christmas tree :)

  36. Hi Asha,
    These cookies sound and look divine! I love the shape. I have the same cutter and have been wanting to use it for some tine now. Super cute!

  37. Such pretty cookies...amazing flavors and ingredients. Lovely pics Asha.

  38. These are such lovely beauties.

  39. "3 tbsp cup hazelnut spread"
    Hi there! Great recipe! But is it tbsp or cup?


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