Monday, June 17, 2013

The Versatile Blogger Award - Thank You

                          Awards are like REWARDS- Anonymous

Starting a blog was in the works for a long time.  Thanks to my friends who were the reason for the blog. Writing and executing a blog is much more work than I thought it would be, but I am enjoying it thoroughly.  But the success to a blog lies in it's readers, comments and virtual awards and I am so happy to find many in the blog world and one such sweetheart is  Femme from Femmehavenn.  Please do check out her page.  You will find great recipes like Jackfruit Biryani to MAWA kulfi. Passionate about food, art and fashion, she is a person I would like to call as friend.  Thanks for sending this Award especially when I feel like my blog is just born and trying to fit in.

Rules of this Award:
  • Nominate 15 fellow bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
  • Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award
  • Share 7 random facts about yourself
  • Thank the blogger who has nominated you
  • Add the Versatile Award picture to your post
I have been inspired by many , the top 15 in no particular order that I would like to nominate are:

1.   E Curry
13. Sicilian Creative In Cucina
14. Oh So Very Pretty
15. Wah Sush's Kitchen

Thanks Femme to have given this opportunity to credit fellow bloggers, and for the AWARD.  HAVE fun blogging and looking forward to learning and getting to know each one of you in the future.

Little about me:

1. Started cooking only after I got married.  The first coffee was almost thrown down the drain by my dear Hubby.

2.  I can wake up 4 a.m. to make some bread and enjoy it before sunrise with a cup of coffee...I am addicted to baking.

3.  Like all you girls, I am a dreamer...I had a poster my dad put up when I was 3,,'WHEN YOU DREAM, DREAM BIG'...

4. I am super loyal to the people I love, and that's a lot of people.

5. Didn't touch any caffiene for the first 80% of my life and now I cannot live without it.

6. HATE beaches....No, not the beaches, but what the sun and water does to my skin...ewww...I burn bad..

7.  My pet peeve would be, when some one doesn't give credit for where it belongs......

Your time and patience to go through this post is truly appreciated.
 Hope you all enjoy your day and Award.

Your comment are like rewards, please take a moment to give your feedback.


  1. Muchísimas gracias por pensar en mi blog para este premio.
    He recibido algún que otro premio pero nunca desde tan lejos!!!!
    Como tú muy bien dices, el blog da mucho trabajo pero se compensa con los comentarios y reconocimientos de los que nos siguen. Un beso muy grande!!!!

  2. Thank u Asha for nominating me for this award :-)

  3. Thank you Asha for nominating me :)

  4. Hi Asha Thanks you so much for the award dear :)
    Loved your blog

  5. Thank you Asha for this award, it means a lot to us that you like our Plated Stories so much!

  6. Thanks Ash! I was on holidays and I have seen the nomination only now!

  7. Apologies for the delay dear.. I have accepted the award..


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